"In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies." - Winston S. Churchill.

Burgundian Ordonnance – The spear/longbow one – ADLG 200 points


25% discount on all figures.

Burgundian Ordonnance – The spear/longbow one – ADLG 200 points


Contains all these figures at a discount too!

This a version of the Burgundian with the Spear/longbow half and half units.

2 General HYC05
2 Generals mounts QT-H131
6 Ordonnance Gendarmes RNC01
5 Ordonnance Gendarmes HYC01
5 Ordonnance Gendarmes 25WRC1La
6 Ordonnance Gendarmes mounts QT-MRH11
6 Ordonnance Gendarmes mounts QT-MRH05
6 Ordonnance Gendarmes mounts MRH12
2 Genetaires 25-WRC1La
4 Italian mounted crossbow 25-WRC1b
6 Demi-lancers RNC04
12 Horses QT-MH006
12 Ordonnance/low-country pikemen 25-105Pi
12 Ordonnance/low-country pikemen 25-WR2
12 Ordonnance/low-country pikemen 25-102Pi
12 Ordonnance/low-country pikemen 25-103Pi
12 Ordonnance longbowmen BURF01
12 Ordonnance longbowmen BURF02
12 Ordonnance longbowmen BURF03
2 Ordonnance handgunners 25-067
1 Generals HYF09
1 Dismounted Men-at-arms HYF11
1 Dismounted Men-at-arms HYF10
1 Dismounted Men-at-arms HYF12